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LLcloud® provides many ready-made cloud data importers, converters and analytics.

LLcloud® data importers allow automated data upload from smartphone sensors (via the Phyphox app) and location tracks (via the Strava app), smartwatches, geo-tagged photos (via the photoSpot app for Android and iOS), GoPro cameras, Air Quality (AQ) and other IoT sensors, drones, satellite images and other Copernicus Sentinel data from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem portal, ships, trucks (coming up in Q4 2024), etc.

LLcloud® data converters transform data to other common formats, such as .CSV, .GPX, .KML, .GeoJSON, .GeoTIFF, etc.​​



LLcloud® data analytics process the gathered multi-sensor data directly in LLcloud. Data processors allow measuring global and local similarity between location tracks; finding track segments with bad or missing GNSS data; defining geofences and checking location against them; global real-time vessel tracking and movement analysis; calculating exposure along a track to various air pollutants measured by ground-based stations, critical infrastructure and emissions monitoring and analytics like ports, large tents, pipelines or orphaned gas and oil wells, etc. Others implement communication with wearable and fixed devices via WiFi, 5G, LoRaWAN, WebSocket, etc. LLcloud processors can be combined in data processing pipelines.

LLcloud® smart visualisation tools show various multi-sensor data views - table, tree, map-based, detailed view. Layers of different geo-located data can be visualised and analysed simultaneously.

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